Too good not to share

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sometimes a word is so good you just have to share. A good friend of mine, Prophetess Karen Pina has an awesome word on "the peoples" that I believe will bless those with callings on their lives and those in leadership.

Here's an excerpt from her blog.


What plans do they have for you?

“The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the thoughts of His heart through all generations. He makes the thoughts and plans of the peoples of no effect.” – Psalm 33:10b-11

If you have been in ministry for any amount of time, you have run into “the peoples” referred to in this scripture. “The peoples” are also the “they” that have all sorts of plans and thoughts –some good, some evil. The peoples seem to always have some counsel about the direction of your God-given vision/call.

The peoples can tell you what and what you are not anointed to do. They even tell you that you are not called to the office Jesus Himself appointed you to and gave you as a gift to His very own body. They withhold goodness when it is in their power to do good by you and the ministry God has assigned your hands.

Finish reading the rest of her blog by clicking here.


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