Now Available

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This is one of those projects truly birthed by the Holy Spirit.

I remember one morning under His inspiration, He said to write. So I began to write. That day I wrote for four hours straight. What had just been created was for the Kingdom. I submitted it to a good friend of mine who is also an author and asked her what she thought. My thoughts were it was too long for a blog or magazine article and not quite long enough for a book.

That's when she pushed me.

She said, "Lisa I know there's more in you."

So I went back and began to write and more poured out.

After I finished writing I put it away and really did not think about it much.

One day Holy Spirit said to get it done NOW.

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So here you have it. A book birthed for the Kingdom. It is for those who are married and work in ministry together. Think of it as an extension of this blog. If one of you is just serving, I know you will still be blessed.

There's even a chapter on how to rear the un-stereotypical preacher's kid.

My beloved and I are preparing to host a teleconference on the subject and will keep all of you informed. You will be able to ask questions and even share your testimony and comments.

Know that we appreciate your support of this project! And be sure to pass this link along to others who you think may benefit.

God bless,

Pastor Lisa


Excerpt from Marriage and Minstry

Divide and Conquer

When we first started the ministry people were bold enough to tell me that I was more anointed than my husband. That it was me that should hold the title of senior pastor. It amazed me that someone would try to pit me against my husband.

"Are you serious?" is the thought that always ran through my head when confronted with this ideology. They had no idea what worked in my husband but I did.

You have to know and believe in the gift and calling in your spouse because this type of false flattery is dangerous to the marriage and the ministry. People will have you think it's you and all you. They will fill your head with how wonderful you are and have you discount the anointing and power that resides in your spouse. That opens up a door for the enemy to come in and attempt a hostile takeover.

If the flesh is not put to death daily it will gladly entertain lies in the form of flattery. A flattering tongue will praise you and discount your spouse. If you entertain this foolishness it is an easy leap into believing that your charisma and gift are holding the ministry together. These thoughts must be annihilated quickly, if not it will destroy both the marriage and the ministry.

Take God's perspective on the issue. When you get married the word says the two become one flesh. God sees you as one. There is no my calling and your calling. It all works together.

If one of you walks in the office a prophet, and God uses the other to give prophetic word in a particular setting; it simply means that you are gifted differently to advance the Kingdom. If one partner is an extrovert and the other an introvert, it all works together to benefit those you lead.

Know and celebrate the gifts within the two of you.

Don't let the enemy throw emphasis on the differences.

It all works together for the building of the Kingdom.


Purchase your copy of Marriage and Ministry today.


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