Please and Thank You Required

Thursday, August 28, 2008

As a leader these should not be foreign words you use to those who help support the vision.

Armor bearers aren't personal servants, errand boys/girls and even if these precious people do go beyond the call of duty and minister in this way; please and thank you ought to be uttered frequently and sincerely.

Want to keep your support staff? Show them appreciation for all they do. One sure way to keep a revolving door in your ministry is to not show appreciation to those work closely with you in supporting the vision. They don't have to do what they do. There are hundreds of other ministries where they could serve.

Ungratefulness and the attitude that that's what they're supposed to do will surely have you surrounded by people who don't have your back 100 percent and that will reflect in the way they serve.

Want to build a support staff that will fight for the vision? Show them the appreciation they deserve.


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